In world full of wedges - and even 4 color strategies - you really only need one color...
4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Monastery Swiftspear
4 Satyr Hoplite
4 Firedrinker Satyr
4 Akroan Crusader
4 Dragon Mantle
4 Titan's Strength
4 Coordinated Assault
4 Hammerhand
4 Stoke the Flames
2 Magma Spray
1 Arc Lightning
1 Lightning Strike
16 Mountain
2 Bloodstained Mire
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
3 Harness by Force
3 Searing Blood
2 Peak Eruption
2 Magma Spray
1 Arc Lightning
I've played this at a whopping two FNMs, going 3-1 and 4-0. Sequencing is fairly simple, though I'm not sure I'm doing it optimally. Generally, the progression of creatures you want to resolve in order are first Foundry Street Denizen -> Firedrinker Satyr -> Akroan Crusader ->Satyr Hoplite -> finally, Monastery Swiftspear. Of course, this progression is not strictly true as the mana and heroic/prowess enablers available to you may alter your line. In general, squeeze as much value out of each card as you can (i.e. if you have a dragon mantle and a bunch of mana, use it all on firebreathing). Several decks these days play Drown in Sorrow and Anger of the Gods in the sideboard, meaning games 2 and 3 can be rough. Barring mulligans, however, game 1 is often a freeroll regardless of being on the play or draw. Otherwise, it's about as straightforward as you think - just play good magic and turn em sideways.
As far as the sideboard is concerned, I'm not too impressed by Eidolon - I suppose I just haven't run into the matchups where it's relevant. Act of Treason has been dynamite. Searing Blood, Arc Lightning, and Magma spray are all solid in any creature matchup - firedrinker satyr normally comes out for those games. Peak Eruption, while a blowout in the mirror, is perhaps a bit too narrow; I could easily switch them for another two Arc Lightning(s) if you sense a heavy aggro field (especially if tokens decks are out and about!)
Drop $50 and build it, won't you? If you're feeling lavish, add a playset of Rabblemasters and a 19th land.
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