Saturday, July 25, 2015

Super Budget Modern: Zombie Salvage

Hey guys!

Some of my more popular posts tend to be ones talking about ways to play magic on the cheap.  So here's a sweet brew that I stumbled across in the just-for-fun room that I added my own twist to.

4 Zombie Infestation
4 Grisly Salvage
4 Commune with the Gods
20 Entropic/Enigma/Sandstorm/Aurora/Verdant Eidolon
4 Dark Deal
5 (black-producing) Borderpost [Mistvein or Veinfire]
5 (green-producing) Borderpost [Firewild or Fieldwild]
4 Jungle Hollow
5 Swamp
5 Forest

Man, this deck is cheap!  You can build the whole thing online from scratch for less than half a ticket and most of that just comes from Zombie Infestation.  Every other card you can find at most bots for .007-.008 tix, which is just nothing.

So - you dig to find Zombie Infestation, occasionally throwing some guys in the graveyard.  Eventually, you play a Grisly Salvage or a Borderpost and you then get back all the creatures in your graveyard to your hand.  You can overwhelm your opponent with zombies or just grind them down with the eidolons.

Dark Deal is sweet bc you can damage your opponent's hand while (essentially) drawing cards for free.

I'm honestly surprised by how much game this deck has.  I've played and beaten some real decks over the course of the day and I might do some more adjustments to this later on.

Some cards to consider if you can afford them:
-Loleth Troll
-Squee, Goblin Naboob
-any of the scavenge cards


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