Friday, May 8, 2015

Super Budget Modern: Zombie Hunt

How do you feel about a deck that only runs a few nonlands?  And we're not talking about legacy.  This is for modern, and probably the cheapest deck possible.

Zombie Hunt
(bare bones)
4 Zombie Infestation
4 Treasure Hunt
24 Island
24 Swamp
4 Reliquary Tower

The idea is simple, you mulligan VERY AGGRESSIVELY into a hand with treasure hunt (AND hopefully Zombie Infestation).  When you play treasure hunt, you will draw most of your deck and then you can discard a lot of cards and make an army.  Hopefully, you will have drawn a Tower so you can do this on your opponent's end step and avoid a sweeper.

This deck, if you buy all 12 of these cards, comes to a grand total of .032 tix on mtgo.  That's right, 3 cents.  Is the deck great?  No.  You have to mulligan A LOT.  And with one hand disruption or counter from your opponent, you are probably just incredibly dead, since you will just draw lands for infinite turns.

Most people recommend playing 2 Zombie Infestation and 3 Treasure Hunt.  Playing a turn 2 Infestation and then going turn 3 treasure hunt, reveal Zombie Infestation is gameeeee overrrrr.

So!  There's that, but you can put a bit more money into the deck.

4 Contested Warzone

This will let you attack for lethal even if you didn't manage to draw enough cards for 10-11 zombies.
4 Halimar Depths
4 Temple of Deceit

Yeah, so library manipulation when so much of your deck is useless is probably irrelevant, but who knows, it could matter.

4 Radiant Foundtain

Probably more of a sideboard card against burn and aggressive decks.  You don't want TOO many colorless lands in your deck.  It would be real gross to mull to three of "Zombie Infestation, Treasure Hunt, Reliquary Tower" and then your top few draws are colorless lands.

U/B Lands

yeah, obviously.  Better than basic lands when it's very critical to play out your cards by turn 2 and 3.

Other options:

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (turns your colorless into swamps, shrugs)
Blinkmoth Nexus + Mutavault - extra damage.  If the colorless lands aren't an issue, but the real question is, if you own these cards....why are you playing this deck?

I think this is a decent deck for someone trying to get into modern to explore the format.  I've never seen anyone take down a daily with this, so I probably wouldn't take it to a tournament.

So - more posts to come.  Take it easy, guys.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for very helpful tips about Zombie Hunt. Your tips will be really very helpful for everyone who loves Zombie Hunt fun.
