Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Some enchanted evening...

...you may meet a stranger...across a crowded room.

Yeah,  My folks really liked the musical South Pacific so that song is kind of burned into my brain, but as you may or more likely may not know, Enchanted Evening is a magic card.  And a terrible one!

So for five mana you can turn ALL permanents into enchantments.
a) Five mana is steep
b) ...enchantments?  So what?

so as I've mentioned before, I have a cube full of some of the worst magic cards in history.  The card just happens to be in it and, quite by accident, I discovered a very interesting combo.

(also, that happens every once in awhile.  Random, terrible cards interact to do something magnificent.  I think there was an actual gasp when someone went Endemic Plague + a Changeling.  Wrath of God, anyone?)

My first thought was hey, let's blow up all the enchantments!  But even things like Back to Nature cost 2 (1G) at a minimum.  A combo that costs seven mana is too much.  But!  There's a neat little card called Patrician's Score.  it's 3W to destroy all enchantments, BUT if you've played another white spell this turn, it's free.  So Enchanted Evening + Patrician's Scorn = destroy all permanents for five mana.

Obviously, you can't just blow up the board and hope your opponent concedes from frustration.  Sure, that will happen sometimes, but you can't count on it.

So, I thought this deck could be similar to Restore Balance.  Suspend some creatures and blow everything up, your opponent struggles to do anything relevant and then some giant monster with haste beats down.  This deck is sometimes better than Restore Balance though.  Although you can't attack your opponent's hand, you don't have to worry about pesky planeswalkers/artifacts since your opponent gets to keep nothing.

The problem is, blue and white aren't exciting in the suspend-creature department.  Most of them cost 2-3 to suspend and then you end up with 2/2s.  No thanks.  Errant Ephemeron is great though, he has been my main win condition so far.  I have considered Greater Gargadon, but that requires a better manabase...

My second thought was persist creatures.  The only ones that are actually any good are Safehold Elite and Kitchen Finks.  Finks buys us some time against aggressive decks, while the utility of getting a 1/1 creature back (from Safehold Elite) is pretty meh.

And the third was indestructible cards.  Darksteel Citadel is in there so I can continue to function after blowing up the world, but the creatures in the darksteel department are all pretty expensive.  The cheapest you can get a 0/1 for 3.  Cool...
There's that one artifact for 2 that can turn itself into a 2/2 for 3, but that's SUPER mana intensive just to get a bear.  Pass...

So here's what I ended up with...

4 Enchanted Evening
4 Patrician's Scorn
4 Peer through Depths
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Serum Visions
2 Simian Spirit Guide
4 Mindstone
2 Everflowing Chalice
3 Traveler's Amulet
3 Chromatic Star
4 Errant Ephemeron
4 Kitchen Finks

4 Darksteel Citadel
4 Flooded Strand
2 Hallowed Fountain
1 Mystic Gate
2 Plains
9 Island

Potential Sideboard:
4 Timely Reinforcements
3 Fracturing Gust
3 Silence
4 Rest for the Weary
1 Pull from Eternity

So - let's see your Enchanted Evening brews - can we make this dollar rare worth something?

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