Greetings all. Sorry for my hiatus of sorts guys. As you know, Cheerios just dies in my meta, but that doesn't mean I don't have a deck to play. 5 Color Blink, the list that everyone sees and just doesn't think twice about, is the real deal.
Modern Blink: Stephen D.
3 Wall of Omens
3 Runed Halo
2 Aven Riftwatcher
4 Restoration Angel
2 Reveillark
2 Body Double
2 Mirror Entity
1 Gel Elendra Archmage
1 Inquisitor Exarch
2 Venser, Shaper Savant
1 Mystic Snake
2 Fiend Hunter
2 Path to Exile
3 Gifts Ungiven
1 Day of Judgement
1 Wrath of God
1 Supreme Verdict
1 Noxious Revival
1 Unburial Rites
1 Swamp
3 Island
3 Plains
2 Mystic Gate
1 Sacred Foundry
1 Steam Vents
1 Godless Shrine
1 Temple Garden
1 Breeding Pool
3 Polluted Delta
3 Hallowed Fountain
2 Celestial Colonnade
3 Flooded Strand
2 Kor Firewalker
1 Runed Halo
3 Rending Volley
2 Path to Exile
1 Thragtusk
3 Spreading Seas
1 Mizzium Meddler
1 Mystic Snake
1 Aven Riftwatcher
This deck is real. Very real. Now, for the love of RNGeezus, do not for one second think that you can sleeve this deck together and play it and win. No. I am not so kind as to build a deck that can just auto-pilot itself to a victory. This deck wants to keep parity for the first 3-5 turns before doing anything of pure value. Halo, Wall of Omens, Aven and our newcomer Fiend Hunter are just good cards when you need them to be, which is what is going to be exactly what you want. You just don't want to die, is all. This deck can wrench and pull ahead of wild scenarios if you are patient and play your cards right. If you can put your opponent into a position where top-decking is imminent, do it. You will win the topdeck war. Gifts, Body Double, Reveillark: all of these are amazing topdecks that will put the game firmly into your hands.
About 95 percent of your games are completely winnable game one, and only get better afterwards. The exception is Tron, which you can see with the Spreading Seas in the board. Beyond that, Aggro decks can't deal with Wraths and lifegain. Jund and Abzan cannot deal with lifegain and card advantage. Grixis can stumble you for the first few turns, but they cannot out-card you late game. And very few decks can out pace Reveillark. Get back Aven and Wall of Omens? Solid. Get back Body Double and Mirror Entity? Lights out. And let's not forget about Mirror Entity turning everything in super tribal X/Xs. Sometimes all you need to do is make your team big and attack a lot.
I could tout this deck's effectiveness all day, between the matches that I have played and the matches that my colleagues have played. From 8-Rack, Grixis, Burn, Affinity, Twin (which is bad like Tron is bad haha), RUG, Valakut, Amulet Bloom, Death and Taxes... the vast majority of the format has trouble dealing with this pile of cards. Like, realistically, how much hate do you need to beat this thing? In order to stop the combo, you need graveyard hate. But graveyard hate doesn't stop a bunch of enters play abilities and flying creatures. If you bring in removal, you have to suck up the idea of having to kill them again. If you play both of them, your deck likely doesn't do anything anymore. Normally, I'd be a bit more joyful in my writing. But let's be honest. If you could play a deck that had a very very good chance of winning every game you ever played by virtue of having access to hate game one, wouldn't you? And even if you didn't draw the hate, you made the game very unfair with creature based counter magic? That's how I felt. That's why I went back.